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Excerpt from an angling mother.

This morning my mom, Susan, sent me the following email: "The Powder is roaring, irrigation water being let out of Philips reservoir. Just as I started casting to some slow water along the bank, thunder started rolling very close by. I cast a few more times, caught some 6-8 inchers and then the storm broke right over head. Too close to ignore, too far to make it back to my car so I retreated to a postage stamp sized island and hunkered down in some tall grass and a couple of spindly bushes. The lightning lit up the already perfectly light sky in broad zig zag flashes, immediately followed by cracking, roaring thunder. It sounded like I was sitting underneath the Blue Angels as the thunder went crashing from one side of the valley to the other. And for minutes at a time. Longest chest shaking thunder I have ever sat under. The rain came down like a monsoon and then hail the size of marbles and then more rain. There was so much lightening that the thunder overlapped itself. I was drenched in no time. My old trusty Cabella's raincoat failed me. I was a bit nervous about the lightning and put my rod horizontal in the grass away from me. I turned to look out at the main flow of the river and whoa, fish feeding like maniacs. Right in the middle of the main current. Jumping clear out of the water. The storm must have pushed a lot of bugs into the water because the trout were going crazy. Then I went crazy: there were some NICE fish. BIG fish. Oooh, it took all the restraint I could muster to sit the storm out. Took about 40 minutes of agonizing patience but finally I waded out to the middle, skated a little gray fly below me and hook up! One of the biggest trout I have caught on the Powder. I laughed aloud. Spend a freezing hour catching about a dozen of these lovelies. What a spot. I only left because I was numb from my neck down. My legs and feet tingled as they warmed up in the car with the heater on full blast. I was cold. I was ecstatic. I am still high. You should of been there.............." I know you all wish you were there too; I sure do.

Susan (Mom) releases a Powder River rainbow.

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