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Simms Finally to Sell Direct...It's About Time!

Word has been on the street for quite awhile that some large companies within the fly fishing industry were going to begin selling direct to the consumer, bypassing the retail shops for their dollars. The first of the big ones to step out and do so is Simms and their CEO answers some questions regarding the decision to do so, read more here: Angling Trade Everyone within the industry have their opinions on what this will mean to the sport and the all important boutique retail shops. Mine is it will force those shops that have been hovering on the edge of the bottom dropping out to simply do so, in a way culling out the weaker shops across the country. Secondly I believe this will be the straw that broke the camels back and you will see more and more companies, some more quickly than others go the same route. My suggestion is to pay close attention as this is going to mark a change in how our sport does business!
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