Blane Chocklett Muskie School | June 29-30, 2024 | $1095
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Way early but not complaining...

snoqualmie_mfplancichundrwtrfishnrodcls2fxd1 It is a bit early in the year to be focusing on the forks of the Snoqualmie but, when the flows are around 500 on the middle and the weather has been borderline t-shirt appropriate, well, have to hit it. Skwala's are everywhere and while fish are not necessarily airing it out like Jordan after them, they are most certainly eating. Low snow pack year however is worrisome as this means the August time frame could be really tough on the fish. South fork looks amazing right now and these fish have a slightly different temperament to them than the middle fork fish, at least down low. Super clear water and not quite as much food under the stones, they have been quite selective. None-the-less, no one is fishing here right now and it is light until after 7pm. Why not?!!
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