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Seattle Fly Fishing Report | April 5, 2023 | Which Way to Go?

Seattle Fly Fishing Report | April 5, 2023 | Which Way to Go?
Westslope Cutthroat from the Yakima River.  Photo Dave McCoy

Event Alert!  EWA Summer Fest is May 20, 2023 at The Cove in Normandy Park.  9am - 3pm.

After a winter of minimal options as far as places to go fish, it is always refreshing to have spring sorta arrive and give us good options in both directions which is what we have right now!

Yakima River - With the cold weather we continue to have spring flows have remained quite low making most of the river easily accessible for walk and wade anglers.  Skwala's and BWO's have been most prevalent but keep any eye on warming conditions which are going to bring about March Browns as well as early PMD's.  This time of year, you will want all of these in all of their stages...adult dry, emerger (not for Skwala's, they don't emerge) and nymph.  Swing soft hackles through tailouts as well, especially when you see gentle rise dimples from fish sipping those emergers.

Puget Sound - It is all about the fry right now, basically the equivalent of a caddis hatch on a river.  Small salmon fry, mostly Chum are in abundance on most beaches by this point so using smaller baitfish patterns with visible lateral lines and parr markings will be the ticket.  For those who prefer to see them take, stay on top, they will absolutely hit those surface flies as well and finally if you are seeing fish and not getting strikes, change your retrieve before the fly.  Slow down, way down or speed up or go erratic.  If nothing changes, try small euphasid/small shrimp patterns with a slow retrieve.  If you live on the west side, this is your home water, get to know it and it will reward you.  We are here to help.

Steelhead - Skagit and Sauk are open on limited days until April 30th.  Some fish around so if you are simply not ready to put the spey rod down, get up there.  Water is in great shape, a little rain would actually help as water is pretty clear so stay small on the flies and maybe go a bit longer on the tippet, 4ft or so should do it.

Lakes - Lakes that are open have been fishing quite well.  For those who know this is a chironomid game.  Have questions on this come on in and let's walk you through what fishing those looks like from a leader/tippet/bobber set up.  Otherwise small streamers, water boatmen and dragonfly nymphs are also good bets to slowly retrieve or troll behind your belly/pontoon/SUP/single person water craft.

As always, we are literally here to help you figure out all of these waters so don't be bashful, ask questions, no matter how dumb you think they might be.  If you are thinking it, let's answer it.

Call, message, email, facetime if you have our mobile numbers...see everyone soon.

EWA Staff
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