WE HAVE MOVED 1 BLOCK | 4707 California Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98116
Call 206 | 708 | 7250 --- shop@emeraldwateranglers.com

Fly Fishing Lakes Around Seattle and Eastern Washington

Book Now | 206-708-7250

When it comes to water, Washington more or less won the lottery…we have a ton of it and most has fish living in it all year.  Fly fishing lakes in Washington changes as species of choice, location and time of year play a significant role in what is available. 

What excites us here at EWA about fly fishing our lakes is the opportunity to sight cast to carp and muskie with some bass sprinkled in.  We have countless lakes on both the west and east side where you can find yourself tracking these fish either by foot on in small boat. 

Carp exist everywhere from Greenlake here in Seattle to Banks Lake on the east side and Muskie are in Lake Tapps and Mayfield. 

With all of this variety, please contact us for which lakes are doing well at the time you are hoping to get on the water.

Full Day $650 – $100 Additional 3rd Angler – All equipment included
Not Included:  Fishing License, WA Sales Tax and Gratuity not included
April – October
Carp, Bass, Muskie and Trout
EWA Cancellation Policy
Book Now | 206-708-7250

Additional Information:

Flies:  Varies by species
Clothing/Equipment Lists:  Summer season, Winter season
Rods and Lines:  6 wt rods with floating or intermediate lines
Species: Rainbow and Brown trout, Carp, small and large mouth Bass, Pike and Muskie
Duration:  Half day trip 4-5 hours fishing time, full day trip 8-9 hours fishing time
Distance from Seattle: 15 minutes to 3 hours