Phew, most of the excitement is behind us for 2023. With just the arrival of a new year to celebrate, it is time to focus on fishing again/still. Steelhead are on many peoples minds right now so we want to remind everyone of Seattle Spey Day on January 27, 2024 up on the Snoqualmie River in Fall City...under the bridge on river left.
Steelhead Rivers - For the moment we have a number of good options to consider for swinging for steelhead. Skykomish, Skagit, Sauk, Green, Cowlitz and many of the Olympic Peninsula rivers are open and have had a few fish being caught so no time like the present to get out and chase. Flows on most rivers are in good shape or are nearly there so tips from T7 to T10 are probably ideal, potentially going to T14 depending on the watershed. Fly wise, we realize there are a ton of theories out there on size and color among other things but for now, if semi new to the game, keep it simple and fish a fly you have confidence in for whatever reason. Black, black/blue, purple, Kingfisher blue, chartreuse or orange...can't catch a fish without a fly in the water so pick one and get out there. Conversation to have on all of this, call or come in, happy to talk through all of it with you.
Puget Sound - It is mostly a Euphausiid game at the moment so bring your tiny shrimp patterns in white, pink, orange or olive and strip....sloooooowwwwly! Most fish we are seeing are sipping on the surface and the take is very soft on these flies. Due to the nature of the take and where we are seeing the food forms being consumed, a floating line has been the choice for the situation.
Yakima - Winter on the Yak like most other trout streams in the US about now is going to be subsurface, nymphing, stripping/swinging streamers and soft hackles. Stonefly nymphs, Lightning Bugs, Copper Johns, Pheasant Tails in size 16-18 and olive bodied soft hackles will be solid choices.
As we get into some more challenging fly fishing situations for the season, always know we are here to help you through them. Call, come in, message or email, we will do all we can to help you over whatever hurdle presents itself.
Have a great end to 2023 everyone,
EWA Staff | 206-708-7250