We are sitting here in the store staring out at a blue sky with temps on the rise which is all good news, now we just need the precipitation to come in form of some rain rather than snow. Well, we think it is coming here soon so we may do another Seattle fly fishing report before next weekend.
All that being said, those who have been out every day and working hard, have found some fish on both the O.P. and up on the Skagit system. So the message is there are fish around so not really a good reason for not getting out on the water this weekend.
Steelhead - Flows on all the rivers are so low that floating has been a bit of a challenge but for the walk and wade angler, there is a lot of water at your disposal right now, everywhere. Smaller flies, drab colors, or not, longer leader material possibly and probably not too heavy of a tip or if you are heavy, leave a bit more of a belly in your swing to keep it a up a bit and off the bottom. However, this may also move the fly a bit faster than a fish is willing to chase in water temps like this. We have been mostly at the T-7 to T-11 range at 10-12ft, seems to be perfect for staying off the bottom and slow in presentation. Flies weighted or not is up to you...
Puget Sound - Sound has been fishing well, when you find fish. How about that report?! Haven't seen any baitfish yet but they will be here soon enough so if you are tying, get your squirrel tail out and hit those Chum fry patterns hard so you are ready when they do. Until then small shrimp patterns, either floating or barely subsurface are great right now, especially when you see sipping sea run's that aren't paying attention to your baitfish patterns.
Yakima - As one might expect, it has been a bit cold. However, resident trout still need to eat so it is really about figuring out what they are eating now and where in the water column they are so your presentation is in their grill. Knowing what is coming, we would suggest any pattern representing Blue Winged Olive's which are one of the smaller mayfly patterns and any small to mid sized stone fly nymph to imitate the Skwala stone's which will be showing up here soon. Dark in body, some leggy material off them to look as though they are swimming or crawling and you should be in good shape.
Quick note, we will be at the Fly Fishing Show in Bellevue next weekend, Feb. 15-16 and Dave McCoy will be doing presentations both day in the Destination Theater on Fly Fishing Western WA. If you are new to the area, this is a very enlightening and comprehensive series on where to fish within a couple hours of Seattle. There is a lot so be prepared.
Short and sweet at the moment. Thank you as always for reading and if we can ever help or answer questions, let us know, we are here for you!
See you out there,
EWA Staff
Seattle Fly Fishing Report | February 7, 2025 | Warming Up!