Yep, we finally hit the 30's for over night temps which means winter is on its way which is a bit of a shock from being in Tahiti last week, yet, fly fishing the Sound and the Yakima are so freaking good right now. It saddens us to see people put there equipment away for the winter when the fishing is sooooooo goooooood!
Puget Sound - We are just simply seeing so many big, hungry cutthroat right now it isn't even funny. Keep in mind we have guides on the water every day so we are in touch with this fishery like no other. Euphaesid patterns being sipped while baitfish patterns and surface poppers/sliders are getting hammered so hard you better be fishing 2x at least! Get out here, local beaches are among those we are seeing these fish at and tide wise, just get out there when the high tide allows enough backcast on the beach.
Yakima River - This is BWO or Blue Winged Olive/baetis season. Like clock work they are looking up in the AM and evening while taking those Lightning Bugs subsurface as well. Flows are great, super low so wading most of the river is an easy option. Again, now is the time to be out fishing, fewer people and tons of fish, sounds pretty good to us!
Steelhead - Definitely a few fish in some of the local rivers, hatchery and wild. Skating on the Sky or Cow or even the Skagit would actually be more productive than you might think otherwise, smaller flies still while the water is low and clear before it gets into the 40's. Water levels are low so this is a great time of year to see what you are swinging over the rest of the year so get out there.
Down and dirty fishing report today because it is simple, go fish! Give us a call, email, facetme, IG message or even stop in. We are here to help you, we wake every day excited to assist.
Happy fall fishing everyone,
EWA Staff | 206-708-7250