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5 Hour Destination Mini School


5 Hour Destination Mini School

  • Deep dive into topics like Spey or Tropical Saltwater
  • Learn knowledge tailored to global destinations
  • Expand comprehension of your favorite fishery
5 Hour Destination Mini School

The mini-school has been structured for the person going on a trip with friends who may be more experienced and don’t want to slow them down. Three and one-half hours learning essential knots for freshwater fly-fishing as well as an intro to fly selection based on entomology. The last hour and one-half is spent becoming familiar with casting a fly rod. This class is meant to prepare you to be on the water and confident in your ability to tie on your fly, cast to and hopefully land a big fish. During this time the instructor will also talk about reading water and understanding where fish will be located and why.

This is also a great class for more experienced anglers heading into a new realm of fly fishing. For freshwater anglers heading to the tropics for the first time, this is great class to take advantage of our staffs vast experience guiding/hosting/fishing all over the world. We can introduce you to new knots that will be essential in a new environment, fly patterns, casting techniques for wind on the flats and general discussion of what to expect, wherever you might be wetting a line!

Cost: $175 per person
Maximum: 4 anglers
Comments: Emerald Water Anglers Intro to Fly-Fishing Manual included

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