WE HAVE MOVED 1 BLOCK | 4707 California Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98116

EWA Guide Training School

This is not a school for those looking to get into the sport. This school is designed to train eager, well knowledged individuals who are looking to guide in this part of the country. Having the ability to do everything here and do it exceptionally well, puts you in an elite group of professional guides across the country who are talented and capable of guiding anywhere in the world.

That means an intense week of saltwater, stream and stillwater trout as well as steelhead and salmon with spey and single handed rods, tactics for these and other species as well as locations. We are not looking to teach you basic knots and how to identify the 3 major insects in trout streams, you need to come knowing this already.

Instructors will be a mix of our 3 staff guide trainers. Qualified individuals will possibly be hired as a part of our staff. We are not looking to place guides elsewhere, just here.

Cost: $3100 per guide
Maximum: 3 guides per instructor

Guide School Contact Form

Please contact us to discuss the opportunity to schedule this class.

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