Fly angling in the Seattle area in the fall is, well, frustrating at times. There are simply too many choices of where to wet a line. Having grown up around steelhead, they have a very special place in my heart, I will always have an affinity for them like no other. However, at this point in my life, Puget Sound has my full attention. Even on the same beach, every day there is something different, something new to learn, more proof as to why this works or why that doesn't, new fish, equipment, flies and of course, new photos.
When the water is as calm as today, as the tide floods in, it allows the dry sand to remain on its surface and float. For most, this is a pain in the butt as it grits up your line and is otherwise just a mess. However it also provides for some unique images in the right light.
And there are also the fish...never forget about them.