So while pursuing hatchery steelhead on the Cowlitz River this past month or so, looking for those large, beautiful chrome bright planters, we stumbled across a new species. Not new in that no one knows about it but new in that no one we know is guiding for them specifically.
What was once considered the atrocious by-catch and indicator of "fishing on the bottom" is now revered by some anglers.
Catostomus macrocheilus, otherwise known in fish nomenclature as "suckers", are a vibrant, hefty and native species. More predictable than steelhead typically, they are now adorned with praise and gratitude for having saved many fishless days by moving with aggression to swung flies, as aggressively as they are capable of anyway.
We are now deep in the development process of new flies that will enable us to bring even more, larger fish to hand in a day. Look for these patterns to be picked up by Umpqua and copied by other major manufacturers, we will keep you posted on what they look like and in the meantime, enjoy the eye candy as Jim Witwer helps his fine catch pose for the camera.
Nice work Jim!