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ODFW at it again

A select group of biologists connected with the Umpqua River system in Oregon and with support of at least one commission member have once again neglected to read their own mission statement and continue to strive for harvest first conservation when it's easy. One of the few river systems on the planet with a barely viable wild run of winter steelhead is yet again being targeted for the kill of wild fish. This is after a guide initiated...(yes you read that right! ) proposal to stop all taking of wild fish on the system was successful in securing this common sense change. This is akin to having loggers propose no more cutting of trees. Unheard of support for wild fish by people that rely on fishing to make a living. All in all an unprecedented realization that this precious resource is indeed in need of protection. An outpouring of public support helped get this change past the commission and recommendation of its biologist to continue the kill. So now it is once again time for "those who care" to gather forces lock elbows and apply the only thing politicians understand. PUBLIC PRESSURE Attending meetings, writing letters and making your voice heard is not something outdoor oriented folks enjoy doing. sometimes it is just a, bite the bullet, scenario to ensure what you care about is respected and protected. Let me know if you care to be kept informed on this issue. Bill Bakke of Native Fish Society has an excellent summary of this situation here, check it out. Mike McCoy http://www.nativefishsociety.org/includes/documents/04-09_CONSERVATION_REPORT.pdf
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