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Puget Sound | Sea Run Cutthroat

Puget Sound | Sea Run Cutthroat

Fly Fishing Puget Sound for Sea Run Cutthroat

Puget Sound is Washington’s most expansive and diverse fishery with well over 15oo miles of shoreline to explore.  Native Coastal Cutthroat trout reside in these salty waters and are available throughout the entire year.  Chum and Pink salmon fry enter the saltwater igniting a feeding frenzy beginning in late February which begins the baitfish season in the Sound.

Native Sea Run (Coastal) Cutthroat

$395 + WA tax half day, $495 + WA tax full day walk and wade, 1-2 anglers
$100 3rd angler
5-6wt rods, floating and/or intermediate lines
Jan. – Dec. – Sea run cutthroat on surface flies representing injured baitfish
Feb. – April – Chum and Pink fry emerge from streams
April – Oct. – Sandlance and Herring are the prevalent baitfish food forms
April – Sept. – Eupasid/Krill are present represented by smaller shrimp flies
Mar. – Sept. – Polycheate or “worms”, yep we said it, worms!

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