WE HAVE MOVED 1 BLOCK | 4707 California Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98116
Call 206 | 708 | 7250 --- shop@emeraldwateranglers.com

September Events

Sept. 4th - Writer and photographer Brian Irwin will be in the store to discuss his global travels and corresponding conservation interests. Begins at 6:30 this Friday @ the store.

Sept. 17th - Puget Sound presentation by EWA staffer Alex Collier on fall coho and the upcoming fall SRC season.

Sept. 19th - West Seattle Gear Grab - Huge parking lot sale across the street from our store featuring great deals from West Seattle's top outdoor retailers, including Emerald Water Anglers, West Seattle Cyclery, and Moutain to Sound Outfitters. Fly fishing and outdoor apparel and equipment from all 3 businesses 20%-80% off. 10am to 4pm.

Sept. 30th - Safely Handling and Releasing Fish - Dave McCoy will discuss proper handling of fish intended for release as well as some creative ideas on how to capture your catch in a more stylistic way even with your phone. #keepemwet

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