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Scales | EWA Blog

Welcome to our blog of all things we at Emerald Water Anglers touch and care about in the fly fishing world. This has been quite a journey the past 10+ years, scrolling back we have seen some things coming and we continue to make every effort to have the pulse of where this is sport is headed both here in the PWN and globally.

EWA News — Tagged "Dave McCoy Photography"

Intricate Bay Lodge | Alaska

Intricate Bay Lodge | Alaska

July 23 - 29, 2023 - $8250/angler - FULL --- Host | Dave McCoy --- Having spent a fair amount of time in Alaska, seei... more

Xingu Lodge | Brazil

Xingu Lodge | Brazil

November, 2025 - $$$ TBD/angler - 6 rods open --- Host | Dave McCoy --- This fish has been on our radar for decades ... more

Sette Cama Camp | Gabon

Sette Cama Camp | Gabon

Dec. 30, 2024 - Jan. 6, 2025 | $5650/angler - FULL --- Host | Dave McCoy --- Fly fishing adventure, this is it!  Com... more

Anak Permit from Cape York, Australia

Cape York | Australia

July 25 - Aug. 1, 2026 - $$$/angler - FULL --- Host | Dave McCoy --- Yet to be heard of by many in the US fly anglin... more

Sprinting Out of 2020...Slowing to Enjoy 2021

Sprinting Out of 2020...Slowing to Enjoy 2021

Wow, I could go on for...forget it, let’s bid 2020 adieu!So long and so on to what I hope is a beloved 2021 and ... more

Emerald Water Anglers Coffee — Fuel Your Fishing Adventure

Emerald Water Anglers Coffee — Fuel Your Fishing Adventure

Besides water, few things are more a part of the sport of fly fishing than a good ole cup of Joe in the AM. Which is ... more

Travel Journal:  Bahamas, Abaco Lodge

Travel Journal: Bahamas, Abaco Lodge

I was prompted about 16 months ago by a few of my favorite travelers to set up a trip closer to home, something with... more

Travel Journal: Greenland Fly Fishing

Fly fishing whether I really want to admit it or not is embedded in my DNA. My doctor actually found it on my DNA l... more

Fly Fishing Day Trips in Cuba

After the recent loosening of travel for Americans to Cuba we have been flooded with emails and phone calls fr... more

Travel Journal: Tanzania - Tigerfish

Fly fishing travel has become my newest passion within the industry. It sounds cliche but simply learning to fly fi... more