Upcoming Events
December 7th – WDFW Salmon Management, North of Falcon – Ryan Lothrop – 7pm @EWA – FREE Come join us for the inside perspective on how WDFW obtains their science and how they use it to make management decisions. Ryan Lothrop, Puget Sound Recreational Salmon Fishery Manager will talk about this and the issue surrounding our favorite fishery as well as answer questions. Please RSVP to this event via email or phone. December 13th - Sucking the Life out of our Rivers - 7pm @EWA - FREE Please join us for an angler advocacy happy hour to find out what you can do to protect Washington's native fish from the harmful effects of suction dredge mining. Learn more about the issue and what Trout Unlimited is doing to change suction dredging regulations in Washington State. Meet your local legislators, network with fellow advocates, and help us build a strong community voice for this important issue. Free beer provided by Georgetown Brewery, gear raffle brought to you by SAGE and Patagonia, and acoustic sounds brought to you by Mike Giacolino. January 14-15, 2017 – Spey Casting w/ Dec Hogan $250 per angler/per day Spend a day with the legendary spey caster, rod designer, conservationist and world renowned steelhead whisperer. Dec will talk all things spey from dropping that loop to which head and tip for what type of water and finally how to successfully play and land these majestic fish when solo with a two hander. This class will be conducted on the water on one of our local steelhead rivers, most likely the Skykomish, river conditions depending. Space is limited so sign up now! To sign up email shop@emeraldwateranglers.com or call 206-708-7250. January 20, 2017 – 2nd Annual EWA 5 Minute or Less Film Fest – 7pm @EWA – FREE Here we go again, our crazy evening of fly fishing shorts is on again. Pretty sure we can get the winner this year again shown at the F3T here at our West Seattle showing in early Feb. RSVP via email: shop@emeraldwateranglers.com or phone: 206-708-7250 February 1 & 2, 2017 (yet to be confirmed) – F3T in West Seattle at the Admiral and downtown at SIFF The crew will be here sporting the latest in fly fishing film eye candy from around the world. More details to come soon but keep an eye on these dates. June 3, 2017 - 3rd Annual EWA Fly Fest and Guide Cook Off - 10am - 4pm @ Me Kwa Mooks Park - West Seattle - FREE The event we look forward to every year. Come join us for a fun day in the sun. Manufacturers reps are on hand to show off all the latest rod models from Winston, Sage, Scott, Echo, GLoomis and others, clinics by our talented EWA staff on the Sound, small mountain streams and steelhead. A host of IFFF certified instructors will be on hand as well. This will be our 10th Annual Guide Staff Cook Off where our guide team competes for the greatest shore lunch. 30 minutes and $40 to feed 3 people and you get to help choose the winner!Upcoming Schools and Clinics
Intro to Fly Tying
There is nothing more rewarding than catching a fish on a fly that you tied yourself. Come join Karlie and Caldwell for our Intro Fly Tying class covering everything you need to know to get started. We'll go over what tools, materials and supplies are needed for the basics of tying a nymph, bugger and dry fly. All patterns that you can use on our local fisheries! Materials included. Max 10 students. To sign up email shop@emeraldwateranglers.com or call 206-708-7250. $95
Sunday, December 18th - 8-11am @ Emerald Water Anglers
Tying Tuesdays!
We are launching a new fly tying series, "Tying Tuesdays". As the name suggests, these will take place on select Tuesday nights and will focus on specialty fly tying topics. These classes are designed to introduce specific styles of tying to students with some tying experience - by no means do you have to be an expert to attend! Materials included. Max 6 students. To sign up email shop@emeraldwateranglers.com or call 206-708-7250. $40
Steelhead Basics - December 15th - 7-9pm @ Emerald Water Anglers - *Date changed to 12/15! (technically this will be "Tying Thursday" for this go-round).
Puget Sound Basics - December 20th - 7-9pm @ Emerald Water Anglers
Women’s Intro to Fly Casting - Karlie will be holding free fly casting classes starting December 10th and then every first Saturday of the month thereafter. During this intro class you will learn the basics of casting and proper technique to maintain a clean, accurate cast. Great for the beginners and novices looking for a refresher. You can sign up by e-mailing karlie@emeraldwateranglers.com, or calling the shop at 206-708-7250. MAX 6 people.
Saturday, December 10th - 10am-12pm @ Lincoln Park in West Seattle
Saturday, January 7th - 10am-12pm @ Lincoln Park in West Seattle
Saturday, February 4th - 10am -12pm @ Lincoln Park in West Seattle
Intro to Fly Casting - This one hour group fly casting class is designed for first time or novice fly anglers. No experience, no problem! Our FFF certified casting instructors will have you competently casting a fly rod in no time at all! All equipment can be provided for class. To sign up email shop@emeraldwateranglers.com or call 206-708-7250. FREE
December 3rd, 10th, and 17th - 9am @ Lincoln Park in West Seattle
January 7th, 14th, and 21st - 9am @ Lincoln Park in West Seattle
Intro to Spey School
This three-hour casting clinic is designed for beginners and intermediates to become familiar with three fundamental types of casts; the Snap-T, Double Spey and the Single Spey. This clinic is intended to give students the casting proficiency to be on the water and feel comfortable with a spey rod from either side of a river. All equipment can be provided for class. Max 3 students. To sign up email shop@emeraldwateranglers.com or call 206-708-7250. $95
December 10th - 10am @ Greenlake
December 17th - 10am @ Greenlake
**Spey school special! Buy any spey rod from EWA and receive free enrollment in an Intro to Spey School**