Fall is officially on our plate and so are exciting events, the impending holiday season, winter steelhead and some of the finest fall fly fishing opportunities WA has to offer. Klickitat, Yakima and the Sound are all on fire and we offer professional experiences to all three so book today and we look forward to seeing you at one or all of the events below.
Bug's + Brew's -- Women's Fly Tying Sessions -- $25 Each -- Follow our women's Instagram page @ewa_women for updates on other upcoming events.
November 12th: Reverse Spider
December 3rd: Marbou Popsicle (Intermediate)
December 17th: Skagit Mist (Advanced)
January 7th: Skwala Stones
January 21st: Blue Wing Olives
October 22, 2019 -- Destination Spotlight -- Africa -- @ EWA Fly Shop -- 7pm -- FREE
Our very good friends Rob Scott and Keith Clover from Tourette/African Waters will be in town to present and answer questions about all things fly fishing in Africa. This includes Sudan for GT's, Tanzania for Tigerfish, Gabon for giant Tarpon and Cameroon for huge Nile Perch. Please join us for an exceptionally informative and entertaining evening!
October 24, 2019 — Get to Know Your NGO — @ EWA Fly Shop — 7pm – FREE
There is a lot going on in our region for the sake of fish, water, land and how they are managed. Come meet each of the NGO’s we work closely with and gain a better idea of who represents what is most important to you and your values. Excited to have TU, Wild Steelhead Coalition, Long Live the Kings, Native Fish Society and Puget SoundKeeper Alliance
Spey School – Learn from our well versed professional staff of guides/instructors the fine craft of spey casting and swinging for steelhead as this is ALL we do! 3 anglers max per school, call to reserve!
Nov. 11, 2019
Dec. 12, 2019
Jan. 17, 2020
Intro to Fly Tying
Nov. 19, 2019
January 24, 2020 — F3T West Seattle — Admiral Theater — $16
This is the season opener to get hyped about this sport and all it encompasses. Filmmakers travel to all corners of the globe to pursue exotic fish like GT’s, Arapaima, Payara, Taimen and even Rainbow Trout! Always a great time tickets available online or at the store.
February 2, 2020 — EWA Spey Day — Snoqualmie River under Fall City Bridge — 9am – 3pm — FREE
The premier spey event in western WA, come cast the latest and greatest in two handed rods and lines with our staff, sales reps and special guests. This is the perfect opportunity to hone your skills, get some one on one instruction or figure out the optimal match of line and rod for the winter season.
February 15 & 16, 2020 — The Fly Fishing Show — Lynwood — $16
will be attending the show again this year. Great opportunity to hear
Dave McCoy talk on Puget Sound and fly fishing around Washington. See
his all new photos and insights on how, when, where and with what on
some of our most dynamic fisheries.
May 30, 2020 — EWA Fly Fest — @ Location TBD – 9am – 3pm — FREE
annual kick off of summer event will be better than ever with more
classes including spey casting, more guest speakers and more reps from
the industry and of course the guide cook off.