We are now in April, the epicenter of fly fishing here in the Seattle area with steelhead rivers still open and putting out some nice fish, the Sound and its smorgasbord of baitfish in the water and the Yakima warming up and producing its spring hatches. There is zero reason not to be out fly fishing right now...
Yakima River - The Yak, depending on the day will show you March/April browns, a size 12 brown mayfly, potentially some BWO's, a small, size 18 olive colored mayfly in the colder part of the day and on a sunny day, potentially some PMD's, a cream/blonde colored size 14-16 mayfly. So bolster your mayfly selection for both surface and subsurface variations of these bugs. Strip streamers as well and of course throw a bigger dry such as a Skwala stone and drop a small nymph off the back for against the bank or the head of riffles. Caddis are on their way so keep looking up and begin to get your caddis box well stocked as well.
EWA Trout Spey Fly Selection
Puget Sound - At this point, there are fry from 3 different salmon species parading around the Sound, all of them look a bit different from one another so imitate as closely as possible each one and really play around with your presentation, especially if seeing fish crashing but not attracting them to your fly. Size, coloration, eye position, parr markings and how they evade predation are all factors in getting those SRC's to take your fly. Come on in and let's chat about all of this so you can find fish out there.
EWA Puget Sound Fly Selection
Steelhead - All systems go! Skagit and O.P. are still hosting late arriving winter fish. We would love to see you stay lower in the systems to avoid fishing over redds and possibly paired up fish, in particular on the O.P. Fish for those fresh fish coming into the rivers, they will be hotting and more aggressive towards your swung fly anyway! Black/blue is always our favorite color combo but that is just us, 40+ years of swing flies for steelhead doesn't mean as much as whatever color you have confidence in so make sure your wallet has what you believe in in it!
EWA Steelhead Fly Selection
Warmwater - YES! It is time to start looking at those small lakes around here for bass and carp. Smaller watersheds are going to warm more quickly awakening these species. Subsurface is likely going to be most effective for the moment but there is only one way to find out, go topwater first then try underneath. Don't know where to begin in this field? Come in and let us talk to you about fly selection, tactics and locations to go explore, there are a ton of them and many closer to town than you might think.
EWA Warmwater Fly Selection
As always, we are here to help you wade through the beta out there on where to go right now. We are on the water constantly as a staff and have a pulse on nearly every facet of what is fishing in the western Washington area. Come in, call, email, text, DM or whatever, we are here!
EWA Staff | 206-708-7250