Well, another winter steelhead season is mostly in the books by this time and it has been quite a season. Tales of huge wild fish combined with higher than "expected" numbers of both fish and anglers. There still remains a few days left up north on the Skagit system and once that is done, we are relegated to the Cowlitz and/or waiting for the summer opening of some of our other Puget Sound rivers. Time to change out heads from Skagit to Scandi, pack away the sink tips and break out the skaters...because why not?!?!
Puget Sound - Seeing the saturation of all forms of salmon fry throughout the Sound at this point and they are growing in size so fly selection should change a bit to mirror their growth, profile and coloration. Not going to lie, we would say we are seeing Sea Run Cutthroat (SRC's) be more selective in their feeding habits. Not just fly selection but retrieve is going to be a big part of that proper imitation. Some kelp beginning to show up so if you have been getting by without a stripping basket, we will soon be in the time where it may be advantageous to have one. If you are seeing fish and not getting takes, I am always going to play with my retrieve before I change flies. Long and slow, shorter and faster, rapid fire or two hand, erratic, long, long, short or short, short, long! Play around with it. Keep your tip in the water point your rod at your fly line, set the hook with a strip or to the side so if they miss it it remains in their zone for a second take.
EWA Puget Sound Fly Selection
Yakima and Cle Elum River - Flows are in a great place for spring fishing over here. Not too high for walk and wading some of your favorite spots and certainly close to perfect for floating. Skwala's are mostly done some come with your early spring variety of mayflies...March Brown's, BWO and maybe some PMD's in all life stages. Streamers will also work right now, really well and with all the mayflies itching to hatch, swinging soft hackles on trout spey rods will be an amazing way to cover water. Watch all the boats float by and walk your way down a run, taking rainbow's on the swing. Love the feel of that tug even from these fish.
EWA Trout Spey Fly Selection
Steelhead - As suggested above, we have but a couple days left to get on the rivers up north and there will likely be some fish around so if this is your gig, go get some! Water is in great shape, maybe too clear but a little warm weather might bleed some color into the Sauk and lower Skagit. Until summer opens we will have to explore the Cowlitz, Kalama and other watersheds that remain open during May when wild fish are protected for spawning. Nothing new here, fish what you have all winter, maybe not need to go as heavy on the tip as water temps should illicit more follows. Fly, your choice just grab and go...
EWA Steelhead Fly Selection
Lakes - We need a bit more time for the bass and carp to really get their game on but if a quick outing to a local lake keeps you in touch with it, do it. Even if you are just walking the perimeter to see what is moving around.
EWA Bass Selection
Well that is it for this week. As always, let us know how we can assist you out there, you know how to reach us...have a great weekend.
EWA Staff