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Alright, on to the important beta. Finally we are running on all cylinder's around Washington and it is about time!
Let's start with our illustrious Puget Sound...holy crap, never seen so much bait at this time of year. Sand Lance are SO prevalent you actually have to fish something that looks different enough to attract the SRC's attention. We are still tossing a variety of topwater flies but also small to medium baitfish patterns. Beaches we would normally not necessarily go to have been fantastic of late including Lincoln Park here in West Seattle. Bottom line, get out there and hit it.
Creeks are finally all in shape to get on and enjoy. There really is no reason to fish subsurface on these streams. Fish know they have a limited time to feed before the water chills again and the aquatic life recedes so caddis, small stimilator's, Adams, Humpy's and Wulff patters will all work. Great places to get away from people, explore nature and hone those small water skills we only really get to use this time of year. Bring the glass or 2wt rods, helps keep the fish in the water on the hook set.
Warm water lakes are also in their prime for Muskie, Pike, Bass and Carp. Tapps and Mayfield are littered with the first two while Alice and Angle are great for the latter. Topwater for bass is as fun as it gets on a fly rod around here. Rent an SUP or grab a small boat and get on one of the local urban lakes and enjoy not driving hours to your destination. Muskie will absolutely help remove the rest of your hair from your head. Hard to imagine an apex predator being so freaking selective but they are and that friends, is why we fly fish! Great selection of bass flies on our store here to help get you started.
Yakima is at normal flows for mid summer, around 4000cfs which makes for difficult walk and wading but great float trips. Caddis, stoneflies, streamers all work this time of year as well as hoppers because it is that time of year.
Summer steelhead...Skykomish will have a few lurking around and the Cowlitz is full swing of its summer run steelhead. Not a ton of walk and wade access on the Cowlitz but what is available is very good. Definitely fish to be caught and for spey casting the run is big enough to allow you to show off your casting skills or work on them a bit. You can go small summer flies but usually throw single shank traditional winter flies on size 2 or 4 irons...if we aren't skating. Olive, blue, purple and black, you know, the usual work fine and break out those Scandi heads...let's have fun out there.
That about does it, obviously there are a ton of things to share just not the time or space for it so give us a call, shoot us an email and we are more than happy to help you land somewhere to have a great time on the water.
EWA Staff | 206-708-7250