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Seattle Fly Fishing Report | July 23, 2022 | Mid Summer??

Seattle Fly Fishing Report | July 23, 2022 | Mid Summer??
Rainbow Trout

It sure hasn't felt like summer much this year and yet here we are, mid summer in the PNW/Seattle area.  With the arrival of mid July there are a few things to cover so read on.

Mountain Creeks and Forks of the Snoqualmie - Some of these are in better shape than others.  North facing slopes that feed some of the small streams are still holding some snow so those streams remain a bit high.  However, the SF and MF Sno are ready for visitors as are many of the I-90 streams.  We never want to discourage becoming familiar with entomology but for those still learning fly fishing, these are great places to go as the fish are quite opportunistic and more than likely will be looking up for dry flies nearly all day long.  Green light...GO!

Puget Sound - Puget Sound is out of control right now.  There is more bait than we have seen in 25 years around the Sound which is fantastic for fly fishing.  Much of it is Sand Lance but some of it is also Herring  and some Perch.  Most of which have become quite large over the past few months so larger profile flies are good bets.  AM outgoing tides are our personal fav but fish when you can.  Dark backs, light bellies and slender profile will be ideal so check out your box and see how your library looks.  You can also pick up a Puget Sound fly selection here.  Questions, ask.  We know you have them, we are here to help.

Yakima River - Summer flows are here so walk and wade trips will difficult but if you have a boat or 1 person water craft like the Outcast Clearwater or Commander then get after it.  Caddis and streamers are doing quite well right now so no reason not to go.

Warmwater - Bass, Pike, Carp and Muskie are all on fire and the options are everywhere.  Yep, these aren't trout, but if at the end of the day you enjoy sight casting, aggressive takes, hearing your reel scream, deeply bent rods and seeing your backing, you might give some of these a try.  Green Lake, Lake Tapps, Mayfield Reservoir, Angle Lake, Gravely Lake, Lake Alice and so many others are just sitting there waiting for you.  New flies and possibly new rods but if you have a 6wt, most of these are on your menu no problem with exception of Pike and Muskie.  We have flies for them all and we chase them too so come find out where, when and how to check out this new way to fly fish in the region.

Steelhead - Not a ton of them around but other species may be lingering in their same holding water on the Sauk, Skagit, Skykomish and of course there are the hatchery fish on the Cowlitz to go swing some flies to.  Smaller flies are fine but not totally necessary and if you were really diseased, like a couple of us, maybe skate some surface patterns for them, you might be surprised, even on the Cowlitz.  This is the season to put the Skagit heads away and reach for the Scandi, Mainstem or Rage heads.  These are so fun to cast and will certainly make you a better spey caster. 

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