Well we have officially finished up EWA Event Week that included Tribal Waters film showing, EWA Spey Day and the impromptu Pebble Mine Celebration last night with the news of the EPA decision to not allow Pebble Mine to go forward.
Phew...so during and after all of this, fishing has been, well, fishing for this time of year around here. Some ideas moving forward from here...
Steelhead - Skagit and Sauk are now closed for the season while we await the news on whether or not NOAA will approve an opening for a limited spring season on them. Stay tuned...
Cowlitz on the other hand is wide open and is always a good option for those looking to exercise the long rod when other fisheries are closed without a drive to the OP or Oregon/BC.
Olympic Peninsula is open from the Hoh River north with restrictions on fishing from the boat so be clear on that.
Skykomish is open up to Reiter Ponds until Feb. 15 and above Sunset Falls until the end of Feb.
Mainstem Snoqualmie open until Feb. 15
Puget Sound - We now in February so now is the time to keep an eye open for the arrival of Chum fry entering the saltwater from their spawning creeks and rivers. This always kicks off the "baitfish" season on the Sound and awakens the sea run cutthroat to a literal buffet of food and they generally show a voracious side of their personality that is not often seen the rest of the year. Surface flies that look like injured fry are always a great choice but so are Chum Babies and other Chum fry specific patterns.
Yakima River - It has been cold as expected so fish are slow moving and need the white glove service of putting flies as close to them as possible. Baetis/BWO?Blue Winged Olive nymphs and emergers will be good idea as well as streamers. As we get days that resemble spring both in air and water temps look for those hatches that embody this time of year to come alive such as the BWO and Skwala stones. Be careful walking on snow covered rocks on the upper river as well, not only are they slick but they can also show a false bottom or edge.
Spring Creeks - Some of these on the east side of the state are open all year but access is tricky on a few. That said, this is a unique fishery for WA anglers to take advantage of and for those days when you have the time for a longer drive, should absolutely be considered. They are as technical as it gets on the fly fishing front, come in and ask and we can help figure it out with you.