Alright, as they say, spring has sprung...or at least it feels like it today!
For those not paying too close attention, today marks the earliest in history for ALL of our wild steelhead rivers here in Puget Sound and on the Olympic Peninsula to be closed to fishing due to low returning numbers of wild fish. Not a landmark we are at all happy about but for the past 20+ years we have continued to see the numbers dip lower and lower and now here we are.
So, at this juncture we are down to just a few fisheries here in the Seattle area at this time, and then there were 3 or so, depending on how far you want to travel, there there may be more. The Bahamas are still open so there is that option!
Cowlitz River - A sleeper these past few years for many with all of the attention on wild steelhead and their demise. Mostly a hatchery based river about an hour and half south of Seattle, has a sleeper of a spring run of steelhead and is coincidentally a terrific river to swing flies on. We have guided here for over 20 years with the spey rod and it is a great option for those who simply have to scratch the itch.
Olympic Peninsula - Closed for Season as of March 1, 2022
Skagit | Sauk | Skykomish| Stillaguamish Rivers - Closed for Season.
Yakima River - The Yakima is coming into its own for the spring season with Blue Winged Olives coming off and even a Skwala or two. That said, we just finished another bout with atmospheric rivers so it is cresting above 4000cfs at the moment and will hopefully find its way back down to a reasonable level it should be the kick off for the season. Book soon with us if you are hoping for a trip, our schedule is already filling fast.
Can finally take a breath, first sightings of the annual Chum Fry migration has occurred so bring on the Nat Geo experience in the Sound, we are ready for it! Now here is the deal, these fish we otherwise say aren't usually choosy can be this time of year. There will at times be so many (when returns are good of Chum) fry, they will be hyper focused on them and their blindness or disinterest in anything else can be real. The fry will be very small, maybe an inch in length right now so begin with smaller flies. We have some great patterns that our only ours to choose from on this.
Rocky Ford and some lakes are open now as well and provide alternate and at times great options outside of what is listed above so keep those in mind as well and always remember we are here via social media, phone, email and in the store 7 days a week to answer questions and help you navigate fly fishing around Seattle this time of year or a trip to the Bahamas...just saying!