Yep, just like that, we are thrust into what we usually reserve for July or August with 90 degree weather but alas, we will have it next week! So, let's do this report a bit differently like Q&A style.
Q - Pumped to go fly fishing this weekend, what rivers are open for trout?
A - The Yakima and that is about it. Even there, please pay attention to flows before you make the jaunt. If floating, you should be good up to 5K cfs but if walk and wading not really worth is above 3K cfs.
Q - Am out here for a conference and want to steelhead fish. Which river should I go to?
A - Well, the only river really open to chase chrome at this time is the Cowlitz is the only one open within a couple hours of town and while not a ton of fish in it at the moment, it is in good shape to get on and swing some flies.
Q - I have been fishing the Sound and haven't caught anything yet. Why?
A - Great question. This past couple of days we have seen clear blue skies and no wind which makes fish tend to stay a bit deeper. Also, sea run cutts in the Sound by and large are not terribly residential like their river cousins, they tend to move around a fair bit. Covering water appropriately helps but more than anything, be on the water often and go to the same beach to learn it well.
Q - I am going hiking this weekend, want to fish on my way up or when I get there, possible?
A - Most if not all of the small streams leading to or from lakes will be closed at the moment but some of the alpine lakes are available to fish. Check regulations on the lake to ensure it is open and make sure it isn't still frozen over or partially so.
Q - I am seeing bait on beaches, what size flies should I be using and what color?
A - Yes, as the season goes along, much of the seasonal baitfish will continue to grow in size which means the profile of your fly needs to change accordingly. We like to see a dark back and light belly profile with a distinct lateral line. Fish small hook sizes, size 6 or smaller because small fish will eat big flies and brain hook themself which we do not want to see happen if possible.
Q - Is the Cedar open yet?
A - No, Saturday before Memorial Day.
Q - What is hatching on the Yakima right now?
A - Mostly PMD's/Pale Morning Dun's and Caddis with maybe a sprinkle of early stoneflies. Upper river on colder day may see some March Brown's as well.
Obviously there are more questions to be asked. Bottom line is this is a frustrating time of year. Nice weather peaks people's interest in getting out but snow melt and regulations limit options.
As a fly shop we are supposed to be your conduit to the sport and we love being that for you. Welcome to almost summer, let's get you out on the water soon.
Call, email, text, facetime or even stop in...info is always free!