WE HAVE MOVED 1 BLOCK | 4707 California Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98116
Call 206 | 708 | 7250 --- shop@emeraldwateranglers.com

Seattle Fly Fishing Report | October 17, 2024 | Sorry, We've Been Busy!

Seattle Fly Fishing Report | October 17, 2024 | Sorry, We've Been Busy!

So in case somehow you only check our reports page (thank you for that and sorry) and aren't on any other social mediums...we have moved!  New location:

Emerald Water Anglers
4707 California Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98116

Only 1 block from our old location but a completely new vibe for the store and the feel of a classic, well appointed western fly shop.  We are stoked and can't wait to have you in to check it out.  We basically began the renovation on the date of our last report and just moved in a week or so ago so our apologies for the silence on here but we think it is worth it.

Ok, on to the fishing, it is good of course but as we now in mid fall, things have changed a bit. 

Mountain Creeks - Probably write these off the for the season as they close at the end of the month anyway, if we can't get a fish to come to the surface we are done here.  Might get lucky in the afternoon here or there but water temps up high are probably low enough it is probably more worth your time to get onto the larger watersheds.  Bidding the creeks adieu, see you next summer!

Snoqualmie River Forks - This is a transitional time for the ole Forks.  As water temps drop and rain becomes more prevalent and levels rise, the fish become a bit more of a challenge to find.  They remain open all year which is a great just keep expectations a bit lower than what they were during the summer months.  We would still use a big dry fly and drop a nymph off the back and fish water that would normally hold fish or look fishy.  Don't be afraid to swing that set up downstream of you either, fish the entire drift!

Yakima River - As we love to be diverse in our pursuits in the area, we don't rely entirely on the Yakima for our fishing/guiding like others but, this is the time of year to be over there.  The Yak is at it's absolute peak performance in the fall, period.  Fall hatches of BWO and October Caddis with a sprinkling of streamer fishing and low water make this the place to be for the next few weeks for sure.  Low water means is equal to accessibility for the walk and wade angler so get out, hop in and work your way up or down stream.  Wielding a trout spey?  Woohoo, yes!  Skate baby skate.  Big foam flies or dear and elk hair patterns tied to skate with bring some surprising takes on the surfce from these trout.  A mid sized, 8-10 orange Stimulator would be one of our choices or an October Caddis pattern and what fun you will have.  Particularly if you pass that over the top of a Westslope Cutty over there, they will chase that thing clear to shore.

Puget Sound - Equally as impressive as the seasonality over on the east side is the utterly wonderful, placid days with low light on Puget Sound during this season.  SRC's are wildly curious about just about anything passing near them.  With most of the summer baitfish having moved on to the Pacific, been consumed or simply not seasonally present your fly choice for the moment should be pretty simple, just about anything.  The few late arriving Coho may not play as easily but the SRC's will.  Wooley Bugger, small to mid sized baitfish like Foul Free Herring, Oil Slick or Sound Searcher will work.  This will change when we see Euphausiid and Polychaete begin showing up in good numbers.  Then go to uber small shrimp flies or worm like patterns.  Easiest way to explain is come in and we will show you what we are using out there.

Steelhead - OOOF!  Have you ever skated a fly for steelhead and had a grab otherwise called a boil or explosion on your fly?  NOW is the time to get out and do it.  Yes, more likely to have a fish take a traditional subsurface pattern, maybe even on a light sink tip but wouldn't you really rather have the fresh doughnut rather than the couple day old one?  Be brave, keep that Scandi head on and skate for a bit before winter really sets in and it will only happen if you do it so might as well start now.  Cowlitz, Klick, Kalama, Deschutes, JD, Grande Ronde, Umpqua all ripe and ready for you within a short to semi long drive!

That's it, keeping it short but as always and even more so now in our new space, come in and ask the questions you have, we are here to help you make the most of your time out there.  We KNOW it isn't always easy so let us help.

Happy Fall Everyone,

EWA Staff
206-708-7250 | shop@emeraldwateranglers.com | @ewaflyshop_seattle
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