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2-Day Introduction To Fly Fishing Clinic


2-Day Introduction To Fly Fishing Clinic

  • Take the One Day School further and apply learned concepts on the water
  • Opportunity to deep dive into specific topics based on the group's goals
  • Three people maximum per instructor

2-Day Immersion Fly Fishing School and Advanced 2-Day Schools

This 2-day school will cover the material mentioned in the 1-day school plus a second day of guided fishing with your instructor.

The object of this school is to benefit from day 1 discussions by putting your knowledge to use on the river with your instructor at your side.

You will learn how to cast in tight spots, get more distance out of your cast, line management, how to read water, more about regional fish species and work on improving any bad habits you may have. This school is a fantastic way to quickly feel comfortable on the water by yourself.

Cost: $425 per person
Maximum: 3 anglers per instructor
Comments: Digital Emerald Water Anglers Intro to Fly-Fishing Manual included.

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