One Day Introduction to Fly Fishing Clinic
- Build a foundation for your future in the sport
- Learn fly selection based on Entomology
- Reading water for approach and line management
- Develop solid fundamentals of fly casting
1-Day On Water/Classroom Introduction to Fly Fishing Classes
In this full day school, the instructor starts by giving an in-depth discussion on the basic equipment needed by a fly angler.
A portion of the day will be spent on fly selection based on entomology and aquatic insect behavior, river geography and fish habitat. The instructor will also give an in depth lecture on knots, including their appropriate usage and instruction, ensuring each student masters the basic knots needed regularly on the water.
The day ends with students practicing the overhead and roll casts, as well as, the importance of mending and presentation of the line and fly. The instructor will demonstrate and guide students towards proper form in these casts and will also talk on aspects of fly fishing ethics and etiquette.
Cost: $225 per person ON WATERMaximum: 3 anglers per instructor
Comments: Digital Emerald Water Anglers Intro to Fly-Fishing Manual included.
Upcoming Dates
We are currently planning out our schedule. Please use the form below to request your trip dates.