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2nd Annual EWA Fly Fest, Saturday June 4th!

This Saturday, join EWA at our 2nd Annual Fly Fest and Guide Cookoff...
Demo rods from Scott, Winston, Sage, Echo, Epic, G. Loomis, ACR, Hardy, Fenwick, and More!
Check out the latest in gear from Patagonia, Simms, Costa, Yeti, Airflo, Rio, OPST, Outcast, Nautilus, Bauer, Waterworks-Lamson, Abel, and More!
Experience the heat of competition as EWA guides battle it out in the 8th Annual EWA Guide Cookoff. Sample cuisine and make sure to cast your vote for the ever popular peoples' choice award.
Free casting instruction all day from IFFF Certified Instructors
Free seminars from EWA Staff, Industry Reps, and Local Fishing Gurus (see seminar topics and schedule below)
Fly Fest Schedule of Events
10AM - Double Hauling and Dealing with Wind w/ Bill Wheeler
11AM - Trout Spey w/ Tom Larimer
12:30PM - EWA Guide Cookoff and Free Lunch
2PM - Fly Fishing the Puget Sound w/ Dave McCoy
3PM - Fly Fishing the Cascade Mountain Creeks w/ EWA Guide Staff
All Day - Demo Rods and Free casting instruction from FFF certified casting instructors
10 am - 4 pm, FREE, Me-Kwa-Mooks Park in West Seattle
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