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Scales | EWA Blog

Welcome to our blog of all things we at Emerald Water Anglers touch and care about in the fly fishing world. This has been quite a journey the past 10+ years, scrolling back we have seen some things coming and we continue to make every effort to have the pulse of where this is sport is headed both here in the PWN and globally.

EWA News — Tagged "Category_Reports"

Sprinting Out of 2020...Slowing to Enjoy 2021

Sprinting Out of 2020...Slowing to Enjoy 2021

Wow, I could go on for...forget it, let’s bid 2020 adieu!So long and so on to what I hope is a beloved 2021 and ... more

G-Loomis Pro 4X Spey Rod Review

The G-Loomis Pro 4x spey rods are not only some of the nicest two handers on our rod wall, but also an incredible v... more

2nd Annual EWA Fly Fest, Saturday June 4th!

This Saturday, join EWA at our 2nd Annual Fly Fest and Guide Cookoff... Demo rods from Scott, Winston, Sage, E... more