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EWA Featured Photographer -- Mike McCoy aka Dad!

I have spent my life in this sport having fly fished or been exposed to it since I was in diapers, led the entire time by my dad. I can say with ease that the ONLY reason I am where I am today was the long leash and exposure he afforded me at a young age consistently through my life, and always, hand in hand with a fly rod was a camera. Thank you dad, enjoy the photos everyone! My first steelhead, Lake Creek, Oregon. Yet another of my life long mentors, Bob Leach searching for bugs on the Deschutes, look a little harder Bob, you'll find one! A brown trout from an eastern Oregon lake. Always watch your backcast... Landing pad for dragonflies on Klamath Lake. Bald eagle about to take flight on the North Umpqua River. An angler landing the evenings dinner on Davis Lake in central Oregon. An angler presents on the North Umpqua River. A chum head on the Skagit River. Casting on a foggy winter day, lower Umpqua River. A Blue Heron taking flight. One of my favorite views in the world, the Deschutes emptying into the Columbia.
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