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Green, Puyallup, White and Carbon to close EARLY -- no surprise here

With the state of our steelhead in the Puget Sound area, it is of no surprise that the following rivers are closing early and it won't be a surprise to see the other, more notable ones follow suit, here are the logistics: Action: Close the Green, White, Carbon and upper Puyallup rivers to fishing. Species affected: All game fish. Effective date: Jan. 16, 2011. Locations: Green River from the 1st Ave. South Bridge in Seattle upstream to the South 277th Bridge in Auburn will be closed to all fishing on Jan. 16, 2011. Green River from the 277th Bridge in Auburn upstream to the Tacoma Headworks Dam will be closed to all fishing on Feb. 1, 2011. White River: from mouth to R Street Bridge in Auburn will be closed to all fishing. Carbon River: from mouth to Hwy 162 Bridge in Auburn will be closed to all fishing. Upper Puyallup River: from mouth of Carbon River upstream will be closed to all fishing. Reasons for action: The 2010-2011 forecast of wild steelhead returning to the Green and Puyallup River basins are well below the spawning goal. This closure will reduce the incidental hooking mortalities of wild steelhead. Puget Sound wild steelhead populations are listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. Other information: The Puyallup River mainstem, from the mouth to the Carbon River closed to fishing Jan. 1, 2011. Rules re-opening fisheries in the Puyallup River basin will be listed in the 2011/2012 Sportfishing Rules Pamphlet.
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