WE HAVE MOVED 1 BLOCK | 4707 California Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98116
Call 206 | 708 | 7250 --- shop@emeraldwateranglers.com

Scales | EWA Blog

Welcome to our blog of all things we at Emerald Water Anglers touch and care about in the fly fishing world. This has been quite a journey the past 10+ years, scrolling back we have seen some things coming and we continue to make every effort to have the pulse of where this is sport is headed both here in the PWN and globally.

EWA News — Tagged "Seattle Fly Fishing"

Seattle Fly Fishing Event | Headwaters Book Launch | Dylan Tomine

Seattle Fly Fishing Event | Headwaters Book Launch | Dylan Tomine

We are so pleased to offer a very unique experience in the vein of our old Writer's on the Fly events of the past.  ... more

Sprinting Out of 2020...Slowing to Enjoy 2021

Sprinting Out of 2020...Slowing to Enjoy 2021

Wow, I could go on for...forget it, let’s bid 2020 adieu!So long and so on to what I hope is a beloved 2021 and ... more

Haida Gwaii - by Greg Thomas

Haida Gwaii - by Greg Thomas

From good friend and long time Seattle resident Greg Tomas, you can read more of this work on his blog Anglers T... more

Upcoming Seattle Fly Fishing Events - June

Upcoming Seattle Fly Fishing Events - June

Well, obviously the events list is going to be short but, we do have some exciting things to share with everyon... more

Emerald Water Anglers Coffee — Fuel Your Fishing Adventure

Emerald Water Anglers Coffee — Fuel Your Fishing Adventure

Besides water, few things are more a part of the sport of fly fishing than a good ole cup of Joe in the AM. Which is ... more

Upcoming Fly Fishing Events - March 2020

Upcoming Fly Fishing Events - March 2020

Wow, spring is coming at us so fast, not even funny. Soon these snouts will be more prevalent on the Yakima as ... more

Gear Review: Patagonia R1 Gloves

The last pair of winter gloves you’ll ever wear…well, maybe. They’re pretty darn good with a few alterations. ... more

Upcoming Fly Fishing Events | Nov. & Dec. 2019

Well, we apologize for not getting this up sooner, things have just been a bit crazy around these parts lately. ... more

Upcoming Events - June

June 1, 2019 — EWA Fly Fest and Guide Cook-Off — Me-Kwa-Mooks Park– FREEOur 5th year of this event and we are ... more

Upcoming Events - May

Intro to Fly Casting -- Lincoln Park, north parking lot next to baseball field @ 9AM -- $25 -- Equipment Provide... more

Carping in WA - The Fish - by Bill Marts

The Fish Common Carp – Cyprinus carpio (no, not Di Caprio) was introduced to the USA in the early to mid-19th... more

Upcoming Events - February

Tie One On Fly Tying Events @ EWA Store – $20February 5, 2019 — Sea Run Bugger – register hereFebruary 19, 2019 ... more

Upcoming Events - November

Upcoming events in November and beyond… November 9, 2017 — Our Two Hands Movie Premier -- Admiral Theater -- 7pm - ... more

Upcoming Events - December

December 11th -- Winter Fishing on Puget Sound -- 6:30pm @ EWA Store -- FREE EWA guide Alex Collier will discuss wint... more

A creek Rod

I recently got a new rod for the creeks. This is a remodeled Tout Bum Rod from Orvis. Their 7'6" 1# Super Fine Touch ... more

Skagit's closing go on an' get it

Just a touch farther! more