Holy emerging insects, can you believe it is already March? We can't either! It has been a rough winter but as we move into the spring time frame, casting classes, photography seminars and new women's events are all on the immediate horizon. Look forward to seeing everyone here soon and often
March 5, 2019 — Tying Competition and Celebration – register here
Women's Bug's and Brew's Tying Night's
March 27, 2019 -- Copper John -- sign up here
April 3, 2019 -- TBD -- sign up here
April 17, 2019 -- TBD -- sign up here
May 1, 2019 -- TBD -- sign up here
March 10, 2019 — Montana Fly Fishing Film Festival — Admiral Theater — 6pm/$15
Come see what fly fishing is all about in our great neighboring state of Montana! Tickets at the door, show begins at 7pm.
March 21, 2019 — Native Fish Society Meet n Greet with J. Michelle Swope — 7pm/FREE
Come sit in and meet our new WA River Steward Coordinator J. Michelle Swope and hear about what is going on these days with NFS. Q&A with her, some snacks and beverages, should be a good evening.
March 29, 2019 -- Women's Meet and Greet Potluck -- @EWA -- 7PM -- $15
We are so proud to have Kayla Lockhart join our women's program and this is your chance to meet her and pick her and Devon's brain for where, how, when, why and what surrounding fly fishing in our area and elsewhere. Please RSVP HERE....
April 18, 2019 -- Fly Fishing Photography Series -- EWA Store -- 7PM -- FREE
Photography is a huge part of our sport. Capturing the moment, remembering a fish and telling a story of the beautiful place you recently visit. We want to help you document all of these better! So we are asking some of our friends from the photographic side of the industry to share some ideas on how to this.
First up is Matt DeLorme who lives here in West Seattle and has shot for Patagonia, The Flyfish Journal and many others. He is going to discuss "Story Telling in 12 Images or Less" and how to think about composition of your adventure photographically
June 1, 2019 — EWA Fly Fest and Guide Cook-Off — Me-Kwa-Mooks Park– FREE
Our 5th year of this event and we are already excited for it. So many cool new products, new staff and new techniques to show and share with all of you. Event is from 9am – 3pm with the cook-off happening at 12:30. Class schedule will be posted about a month in advance.